Scanpan was first started in 1956, and since then has provided the world with environmentally friendly cookware, and world first non-stick technology. All of Scanpan’s non-stick cookware is made in Denmark, and all stainless steel is made in China under strict Danish regulations! All batches, wether made in Denmark or China, are tested in the Scanpan headquarters before being distributed to 45 countries worldwide.
At Scanpan, they use 100% recycled aluminium in their cookware products. Using 1kg of extracted aluminium, produces 85.4kg of waste, whereas using 1kg of recycled aluminium, produces 3.5kg of waste. Thats a massive difference! The non-stick coatings used are 100% PFOA and PFOS free, so you don’t need to live in fear of ingesting any of the nasties.
Here at Sauvage Urbain, we offer a wide range of Scanpan cookware ranges at exceptional prices, click the links below to see more from each range!