The products shown below are a reflection of the most common items we stock. Meaning our stores may have more or less than depicted below. Brands and stock levels may vary between stores due to seasonal availability and deals. For more information on pricing and stock, call your local Sauvage Urbain store.
White Magic Eco Cloth Bathroom White Magic Eco Cloth Car Chamois White Magic Eco Cloth Dust & Polish White Magic Eco Cloth General White Magic Eco Cloth Glass & Window White Magic Eco Cloth Kitchen White Magic Eco Cloth Stainless Steel White Magic Eco Cloth Screen & Lens White Magic Eco Cloth Multipack White Magic Eco Eraser Shower White Magic Eco Cloth Dish Drying Mat Assorted Colours White Magic Eco Cloth Tea Towel Assorted Colours White Magic Eco Cloth Washing up Pad Assorted Colours White Magic Scrubstastic Flat Pot Scrubber Assorted Colours White Magic Scrubstastic Foam Pot Scrubber Assorted Colour White Magic Eco Basics Bamboo Washing up Pad White Magic Eco Basics Bottle Brush White Magic Eco Basics Coconut Dish Brush White Magic Eco Basics Dish Brush White Magic Eco Basics Reusable Bamboo Towels White Magic Cooktop Scraper